Archie Dick on the political role of libraries

I understand, like Foucault, that power/knowledge are inextricably joined – not so much that ‘knowledge is power’ (otherwise we would be the most powerful people on the planet), but rather the ways in which knowledge is created, and the ways in which it flows through organisations and society, demarcate routes of power.  And those who control or influence knowledge creation and information flows have a decidedly political power – which is why libraries are the first to go as authoratarian and dictatorial regimes assume control.  Ideas are dangerous: if nobody’s said that already, I’ll say it here.

My good friend, and a man whose work I greatly admire, is fellow South African Archie Dick.  In this short clip (four minutes), he talks a bit about the role of libraries during the Apartheid years in that country.  Food for thought.

Enjoy your day, wherever you are.

All the best
